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Welcome to the year 11 page!

Year 11 is an extremely important and exciting year for the pupils in completion of courses and sitting external exams. Teachers and personal tutors are very happy to help pupils realise their potential. There will be an opportunity during the year for learners to think about continuing their education in the school's sixth form, or at other educational institutions, including local colleges. We have excellent links with local colleges.

Mr Meilir Roberts, Head of Year 11


You can contact me by email at 

I will try to answer you as soon as possible.




Miss Mari Williams is the Senior Head of Year 10 and 11, and you can contact her by the above email also.


Year 11 gives every pupil the opportunity to fulfil their potential with the support of school staff. I would like to think that Year 11 pupils set a great example for the youngest pupils in the school.

Keep an eye on the page for any relevant information.