Legislation forms the basis for this Policy and the Vale of Glamorgan Safeguarding & Child Protection Policies. The following, therefore, is consistent with the Vale of Glamorgan Policy:
Our aims are:
- to provide a safe environment for children/young people in which to learn;
- to establish what actions the school can take to ensure that children/young people remain safe at home as well as at school;
- to raise the awareness of all staff to these issues, and to define their roles and responsibilities in reporting possible cases of abuse;
- to identify children/young people who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm;
- to ensure effective communication between all staff on child protection issues;
- to set down the correct procedures for those who encounter any issue of child protection.
‘Safeguarding’, is not just about protecting children/young people from deliberate harm. It encompasses issues for schools including:
- pupil health and safety
- bullying
- racist abuse
- harassment and discrimination
- use of physical intervention/safe handling
- meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions
- providing first aid
- drug and substance misuse
- educational visits
- sex and relationship education
- internet safety
- issues which may be specific to a local area or population e.g. gang activity
- school security
- the welfare of learners on extended vocational placements
At the school, we have separate policies within which we aim to address many of the above areas. We have a Health & Safety Policy that addresses many of the areas including security, pupil welfare and educational visits; we also have a separate Anti Bullying Policy, Racial Equality Policy and eSafety Policy.
The school fully recognises the contribution it makes to Safeguarding Children and Young people. There are three main elements to our policy:-
1. Prevention through the teaching and pastoral support offered to children/young people;
2. Procedures that clearly outline the expectations of all parties within a Safeguarding agenda for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse, concern and or vulnerability. Because of our day to day contact with children/young people school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse; and
3. Support to children/young people who may have been abused, give a cause for concern or are vulnerable.
This policy applies to all staff and volunteers working within the school. Additionally this policy applies to all occasional workers, volunteers, contractors and governors. All adults on school site must be aware of the schools Safeguarding Policy as any adult as well as teachers can be the first point of disclosure for a child/young person.
Within this school the Head Teacher retains overall responsibility for Safeguarding. The Named Senior Officer for Safeguarding in the Learning and Skills Directorate is David Davies (01446 709184).
Key safeguarding personnel within the school are:
- The Designated Senior Person Child Protection – Mrs Nia Rowlands
- The Deputy Designated Senior Persons Child Protection – Mrs Laura Downey
- The Designated Senior Person for the Primary - Miss Ffion Williams
- The Link Governors for Child Protection – Mrs Anne-Louise Llywellyn-Morgan