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KS4 (Year 10-11)

Mr H Hughes - Head of Department

Mrs H Lewis 

Mrs S James 

Miss B Jones 

Mrs B Morgan 

Miss A Rogers 

Miss D Roberts

To contact a member of staff please email

Twitter: @CymraegYGBM

General Aims

The objective of the course is to encourage an interest in Welsh Literature and to raise an awareness of our literary heritage through reading and studying a variety of literary material in depth. There are opportunities to discuss and respond to a range of reading material.


Course Details

A set novel and poetry are studied both critically and creatively. The course also includes a study of literature as film.


Assessment Objectives

Unit 1 Poetry Examination (1 ¼ hour) – 25% Appreciating one of the poems studied in the lessons, comparing it with an unseen poem.

Unit 2 Novel Examination (1 ¼ hour) – 25% Questions on the novel studied over the year.

Unit 3 Oral Examination – 25% Discussing, in groups of three, a film studied in the lessons.

Unit 4 Coursework – 25%

One written critique appreciating two short stories

One creative task based on a play


There are two tiers:

A* - D (Higher Tier)

C – G (Foundation Tier)